I read an article in Dance Magazine about the importants of resting when necessary. A couple weeks back I hurt my ankle running to catch the N train (express) home. the last step of the stairs my left ankle bows outward as I step on my left foot. A neighbor/stranger helped me off the train and up the stairs. I took a week off. Self medicated (very dumb). But I knew I had an audition coming up very important to me. I after the week off I danced all week preparing only to be cute like the aprox. 200 others. I took a week of rest refusing to dance this time till I am %100. But It is so difficult and such bad timing.....
I didn't finish the above as I began to burst in to tears as I was typing. Looking back I wish I didn't go to that audition. Currently, Still injured and resting, but I a much more optimistic state of being. YogaWorks has become my sanctuary. It is hard for me to resist dance class, and Yoga has kept my routine and abs in tact. Yoga heals my physical dance life and my personal life as well. Ugh let go of your baggage people... w/ever ills you!
I have a wonderful Physical Therapist, Stuart. Referred to me by a dance friend Jennifer Miller. I had from the injury and years of ware. a knot of scar tissue on my tendon as well as over stretched ligaments. This past week he broke down that scar tissue and had me rest even off of yoga. He says it should heal correctly in time for my Show in May. I'm on top of my thera-band exercises. If anything my biggest rule is rest. Which is hard to do..... Today I had my first Rehearsal with Exit 12 only allowed to mark the movements in the back. I have to stop thinking like a student who is embarrassed she is injured, but think like a Professional who is caring for her Instrument. (Sidenote: I'm very annoyed cas I lost my ice pack and I hate using baggis!!!) Though I marked I was still on my feet for hours. and now I've propped them up
During Rest, I'm discovering new talents. Choreography.
I made a friend at the Apollo's Angels Book Signing, DJ. Over brunch he suggested I visit Greenwood Cemetery and if inspired choreograph. He is involved with an annual festival in the fall at Greenwood, and I should submit an abstract. Despite my time of rest, my dancing brain refuses to take off. I don't know if I'm ready to talk in detail. I went to a discussion hosted by Dancenyc junior committee. One Point I recall is "Specificity" when talking about what your work. I don't want to lead my audience astray. So now i need to get working on my business proposal as well as my food industry resume... lol.
Personal life: I'm Moving out of my sublease. Will and I are renting a studio or 1br in bayridge starting in May. No more long distance! I'm not leaving the wonderful neighborhood of Bayridge! Made two friends at a hiking event who also live in my neighborhood! It's a small city after all well I guess when people live on top of each other... (But we got the brownstones in Bayridge.) I love this Neighborhood; couldn't leave it. more personal news. Compliments of Brady, I started reading a new book of unpublished works by Vonnegut Armageddon in Retrospect compiled by is son Mark, and I'm surviving.
peace out
LA Kilpatrick
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Disaster Auditions
I have set aside this post to keep all the bad audition. It doesn't seem appropriate glorifying them with there own individual post. These are the mistakes I hope not to repeat.
Lines Ballet Auditions
A Disaster...... They rented a studio too small to accommodated the size of the audition. We were subject to a cramped floor barre. I had no center; I wasn't warm; I could barely be seen; and my shoes kept slipping off. It was a Mess! I was cut after the first round. I comforted my discouragement with the fact that every girl remaining was at least 5'6''. However, I didn't let one bad audition spoil the rest. As I left the audition I walked away tall (despite my 5'4'' stature).
Nashville Ballet Auditions
I don't know what is my deal with Nashville Ballet. Its like my subconscious doesn't want to dance with them. I felt like this year would be better. I would return to the audition making them think oh that girl who fell last year has improved so much, but no. Instead I became the girl who dances well at barre then falls apart at center. I blanked during the petite allegro combo right in front of the judges. It was miserable. The whole class I was trying to get into it, but I felt as if I had bricks tied to my feet. Oh whoa is me. Although, There were no cut I left the auditions knowing I wasn't going to be contacted. It was hard to walk away tall when all I wanted to do was get home and cry into my pillow.
Lines Ballet Auditions
A Disaster...... They rented a studio too small to accommodated the size of the audition. We were subject to a cramped floor barre. I had no center; I wasn't warm; I could barely be seen; and my shoes kept slipping off. It was a Mess! I was cut after the first round. I comforted my discouragement with the fact that every girl remaining was at least 5'6''. However, I didn't let one bad audition spoil the rest. As I left the audition I walked away tall (despite my 5'4'' stature).
Nashville Ballet Auditions
I don't know what is my deal with Nashville Ballet. Its like my subconscious doesn't want to dance with them. I felt like this year would be better. I would return to the audition making them think oh that girl who fell last year has improved so much, but no. Instead I became the girl who dances well at barre then falls apart at center. I blanked during the petite allegro combo right in front of the judges. It was miserable. The whole class I was trying to get into it, but I felt as if I had bricks tied to my feet. Oh whoa is me. Although, There were no cut I left the auditions knowing I wasn't going to be contacted. It was hard to walk away tall when all I wanted to do was get home and cry into my pillow.
The White Rabbit Audition
wed. 1/26/11 5pm I had an audition with Amanda Selwyn Dance Theater. The contemporary dance company was putting on a unique performance/event. White Night: A Movable Performance Soiree at Space on White was centered around the theme of time inspired by Alice in Wonderland. the director and company members were casting a chore of white rabbits for the dance called five minutes. The Entire Audition (and performance) was to be improved. Our direction was time, levels, moments of stillness, interactions with one another's improve. This was the first auditions with cuts where I made to the end!!!! I thought it was amusing that prior to coming to the audition I was reading Alice in Wonderland on the Train. I felt very confident about this audition, and within a few days I was notified that I had been selected to perform at White Night as a white rabbit!
Proia's Class
I returned to Proia's Class as he requested. It was a more advanced class so we moved through barre quicker and started moving! He has a moving quality like Elie's Class with a Balanchine style of foot work. He cracks jokes during class that makes you laugh through the tough parts of class. He has a major focus on placement. Correction: "Despite how much the dance makes you move you have to always be aware of your placement." I notice in Proia's combination, if I were slightly off balance it slowed me up and I lost the timing of the combo. He asked me to come take class from him at Peridance. I think I have become a favorite of his because he likes to give turns and combinations that move over the entire space. These focuses in his class are the things I love about dance! I can see this becoming a great connections for me!
DNA student choreography
Such a fun Audition at Dance New Amsterdam Studios. It was a grad student's choreography project. WE did some interesting new movement. The audition finished with Improve. I am so so so thankful for my improve classes with Kate Hunter at LACDC last summer. The goal of the improve was to first look very stupid. I used some of the wii dance moves I learned of Christmas playing with Adrienne. (She said she likes making people do that dance cause you cant help but look stupid lol). I incorporated floor work as Kate often instructed explore levels in your improve. I just let the music lead me through the movement. I felt very optimistic because they inquired about my availability after the audition. However, I never heard back... Guess thats how it goes
Ben Munistreri Audition
A disaster as expect. When I first moved to NYC I didn't realize how much time to calculate for the commute. So I'm late... I learn the combo by watching the other groups. (Real simple placement adagio). I am not warmed up but luckily I did yoga when I woke up. It's my groups turn, and I'm So On balance, timing, everything! After that Ben Munisteri cuts half of the nearly 100 Dancers; myself included.
Luckily the audition was at City Center where I take ballet. So I went up stairs and made it to Proia's Class. It was very fun! Proia's Style is like a mix between Eilie Lazar and Winthrop Corey. I took to the choreography quite well. After class Proia asked me to return for the next days class! It really perked my spirit from my first audition.
Luckily the audition was at City Center where I take ballet. So I went up stairs and made it to Proia's Class. It was very fun! Proia's Style is like a mix between Eilie Lazar and Winthrop Corey. I took to the choreography quite well. After class Proia asked me to return for the next days class! It really perked my spirit from my first audition.
I stopped posting...
Sorry I stopped posting... It got to hard to fit in adjusting to fast past New York. To catch you up. I live in dirty dusty old house without a working stove for a month. Although I made great friends with my roommates Andrew and Kevin. My Allergies and lack of money to eat out all the time forced me to leave boro park. I now live in Bay Ridge. It is near the water which I love. Although I miss Andy and Kev, I love this neighborhood. I have a pub I frequent and a great coffee place next to the train.
As for DANCE...
It has been a lot of work. A lot of self motivation to send myself to class everyday. I've had at least 3 auditions a week. I even got accepted to perform with Amanda Selwyn Dance Theater in White Night: A Movable Performance Soiree. It has been quite a busy month, but I'm going to start catching up with my post.
As for DANCE...
It has been a lot of work. A lot of self motivation to send myself to class everyday. I've had at least 3 auditions a week. I even got accepted to perform with Amanda Selwyn Dance Theater in White Night: A Movable Performance Soiree. It has been quite a busy month, but I'm going to start catching up with my post.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Voyagé: Mobile to NYC
Mon. 1/3/11 2:02pm; I begin my trip via I-65 N. Leaving the warm Mobile, Al for as my landlord calls “cold, dry, and Icy” NYC.
Will, my bf, is driving me to bham a train will carry me the rest of the way on my journey. Amtrack is a new railroad company so has to pull aside for other companies that own the railways. A long Voyage to ponder and prepare.
Yes that date is 2011 not 1911 and we do have airplanes. However, living in a post 9/11 America, the security is a hassle that I have chosen to avoid. Elaboration: groping pat downs, shoe removal, no liquids over 8 oz., bag limits, expensive checked bag fees, lines, dead of winter delays, claustrophobic conditions…. But also to save money, the environment, and experience recession America along the tracks.
I sold my car to finance this adventure, and honestly, It is a load off my back. I’m a big supporter of Public Transportation. Much more efficient. Also, No more gasoline, Insurance, maintenance etc.
But I wonder if NPR’s Car Talk will be as interesting?
But I wonder if NPR’s Car Talk will be as interesting?
After a 4 hour drive we arrive in bham. I went to school here, just graduated in May. We stay the night in bham. 7pm class with Teri Weksler, a former dancer of MMDG/BSC professor/mentor. I’ve been dancing for Mobile Ballet, Inc.; they offer only ballet. I hadn’t had a good modern class in a long time, so; I really needed Teri’s class before my adventure. I love Teri’s class; I love Teri. If I were to name a mentor in college, then it was Teri Weksler. She taught me so much how to breathe while dancing for one. There are so many things to think about when dancing that sometimes dancers tend to hold their breath. She also taught me so much about life and culture and countless corrections that have made me the dancer that I am. Despite the limited modern dance, this fall, I picked up the movement quickly; it felt so right. I love ballet; I am so thankful for my classical background. Yet, there is something so organic and alive about modern dance. I discovered that Jr. year of college.
My dear little, Caroline, was throwing me a bon voyagé wine and cheese party. It was so nice to see some friends before head out on life’s journey. I’m going to miss my friends from school, home, and Mobile. Especially Will Hunter; I’m really going to miss him! This February makes 3 years; however, we do not know the exactly time of our anniversary. We celebrate during Mardi Gras because it moves around when we started dating.
((((((((((A.D.D. Moment: Fact, the original Mardi Gras started in Mobile, AL, not New Orleans)))))))))).
Bus ride:
Did not expect bus ride some old train blocked mine…. The lady I sat with was nice but she talked so much. I never got a word in edge wise. It was like she was resiting memoirs. She had a fascinating life. A large portion of that life was poverty. She was a very kind lady coming from Memphis going to Philly.
Train ride:
So Much Fun! I met an interesting guy from Dublin. I asked hime what he thought of Ireland’s Housing Crisis. Proportionally, It sounds much worse than the US’s bubble burst. I am in New York for dance; however, I have a Mathematical Mind. Throughout this blog I will analyze the mathematical side of dance and the world at times….
I met quite a few interesting people. I found on train rides that people ask where you are from/going instead of names. There was two athletes a football player (D.C) and a Female Rugby player (Philly). They were a lot of fun in the dining car after hours… ha. I also surprised the fellow drinkers with my spades skills. Little did they know my sr. project was Game Theory (mathematics behind games).
I love seeing the country via train. However, some of the worsed neighborhoods are near train tracks, and it did have its depressing moments. The World Economy as we know it is in for a big change. An Important Change that will lead to an exchange in international power from US to China. I feel like America is struggling to hold on to a lost cause, and should stop destroying its currency. We need to give up on being the economic power in the world and should start covering our debts, as a people and as a government.
Apollo’s Angels
Along the train ride, I started reading my Christmas Present, Apollo’s Angels: A History of Ballet—Jennifer Homans. What makes this book unique from other historical text on ballet is that she really looks at dance as a Culture. Since the origin of man, dance has been a strong cultural part of mankind. The book reminded me of a great dancer I met in Los Angeles this summer. She had just graduated from Grad school in London. She studied Dance Anthropology. My Mathematical Mind leaves little room for vocabulary. I asked her what exactly that meant, and she replied “the study of why people dance, what is the compulsion, why since the beginning of time dance has been so evident in the culture of civilizations.” Homans studies the same thing when researching the origins of Ballet. She explains how the Académie de Poésie et de Musique used dance as a political distraction, Catholic Spirituality representation, and Artistic application of Pythagorean logic. The Academy started in 1570 in honor of King Charles IX of France. The book is such a good read for anyone who has an interest in culture and history. As for you dancers, it is a must read. I took dance history in College, and hated my text. It was so boring…. However, Homans’ Passion for dance comes through in her words. I can relate to the author, and have observed the facts more easily than my previous study of dance history. Honestly, because I have learned these names of schools, dancers, theaters, companies, stars, etc. I also am having an easier time reading. Thank you Mrs. Henry… lol
Arriving in Penn Station
There should be more elevators! So there isn’t an elevator available to the A or C trains. What carry them myself? Not with these little arms. I employed an elderly man … lets just call him uncle Willy.
(((((((((((A.D.D. Moment: to my “flat” mate, I spoke with an old irish accent just now.))))))))))))
So Uncle Willy, He lugged my biggest monstrously heavy bag up the stars. You think I’m dumb; it’ll get stolen? Come on.…. I mean I’m a dancer. I can out run an elderly man stealing heavy luggage….
Anyways, he was a recovering Drug Addict having lunch with some Nuns…. Right?!?! Honestly!!!!!! It was sad. he had some screws loose be it drugs or special needs? I gave 10 dollars…………………… He hustled 10 more. I mean…. Ladies, what would you do if a homeless dude was trying to give you European farewell???? You’d give him a ten and get out of there!
I arrived at 55th station in Brooklyn waiting to meet Edith. Edith is like the Jewish mother I never had (which is perfect because this my first adventure into the real world). I arrive to my new flat…. That is a flat within and old house AKA 1324 House
Destination Time: Wed. 1/5/11 5:35pm
Destination Time: Wed. 1/5/11 5:35pm
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